[work 8] Delaunay diagram
![[work 8] Delaunay diagram](https://i0.wp.com/tsukuru.hayato-works.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/outFrameImg0020.png?fit=1280%2C720&ssl=1)
Source code
#include "ofMain.h" #include "ofApp.h" //====================================== int main( ){ // 4K:4096x2160 // 2K:2048x1080 // FullHD:1920x1080 // HD:1440x1080 // HD720p:1280x720 // DVD:720x480 ofSetupOpenGL(1280,720, OF_WINDOW); // this kicks off the running of my app // can be OF_WINDOW or OF_FULLSCREEN // pass in width and height too: ofRunApp( new ofApp()); }
#pragma once #include "ofMain.h" #include <random> #include "Delaunay.hpp" #include "ImageRecorder.hpp" // ImageRecorder class ofApp : public ofBaseApp{ public: ofApp(); ~ofApp(); void setup(); void update(); void draw(); void keyPressed(int key); void keyReleased(int key); void mouseMoved(int x, int y); void mouseDragged(int x, int y, int button); void mousePressed(int x, int y, int button); void mouseReleased(int x, int y, int button); void mouseEntered(int x, int y); void mouseExited(int x, int y); void windowResized(int w, int h); void dragEvent(ofDragInfo dragInfo); void gotMessage(ofMessage msg); private: Delaunay2d delaunay; };
#include "ofApp.h" ofApp::ofApp(){ } ofApp::~ofApp(){ } //-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::setup(){ double fps = 1; ofSetFrameRate(fps); ofBackground(255,255,255); ofSetBackgroundAuto(true); delaunay.setup(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::update(){ delaunay.update(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::draw(){ delaunay.display(); }
#ifndef Delaunay_hpp #define Delaunay_hpp #include <stdio.h> #include "ofMain.h" struct DVector { int x; int y; DVector operator+(const DVector& v) const { DVector tmp; tmp.x = x + v.x; tmp.y = y + v.y; return tmp; } DVector operator-(const DVector& v) const { DVector tmp; tmp.x = x - v.x; tmp.y = y - v.y; return tmp; } bool operator==(const DVector& v) const { return (x == v.x && y == v.y); } // for set/map bool operator<(const DVector& v) const { return x != v.x ? x < v.x : y < v.y; } }; struct DCircle { DVector center; unsigned int radius; }; class DTriangle { public: DVector p1; DVector p2; DVector p3; DCircle circle; // Circumscribed circle bool operator==(const DTriangle& t) const { return ((p1 == t.p1 && p2 == t.p2 && p3 == t.p3) || (p1 == t.p2 && p2 == t.p3 && p3 == t.p1) || (p1 == t.p3 && p2 == t.p1 && p3 == t.p2) || (p1 == t.p3 && p2 == t.p2 && p3 == t.p1) || (p1 == t.p2 && p2 == t.p1 && p3 == t.p3) || (p1 == t.p1 && p2 == t.p3 && p3 == t.p2)); } // for set/map bool operator<(const DTriangle& t) const { // Compare triangle areas DVector a1, a2; a1 = p2 - p1; a2 = p3 - p1; float s1 = abs(a1.x * a2.y + a1.y * a2.x) / 2; DVector a3, a4; a3 = t.p2 - t.p1; a4 = t.p3 - t.p1; float s2 = abs(a3.x * a4.y + a3.y * a4.x) / 2; return s1 < s2; } }; typedef enum { D_MAKE_POINTS = 0, D_MAKE_HUGE_TRIANGLE, D_DIV_TRIANGLE, D_CLEAR_HUGE_TRIANGLE, D_STATE_END } delaunayState; class Delaunay2d { public: Delaunay2d(); ~Delaunay2d(); void setup(); void update(); void display(); private: void getCircumscribedCircle(DVector p1, DVector p2, DVector p3, DCircle &c); void setDTriangle(DTriangle inT, std::map<DTriangle, bool> &outT); void delTriangleWithPoint(DVector p); void makeHugeTriangle(std::set<DVector> p, DTriangle &t); void divTriangles(DVector p, std::map<DTriangle, bool> inT, std::vector<DTriangle> &outT); const unsigned int max_points = 25; std::set<DVector> points; // input points std::set<DVector>::iterator pitr; std::map<DTriangle, bool> triangles; // output triangles delaunayState state; DTriangle hugeT; DVector currPoint; }; #endif /* Delaunay_hpp */
#include "Delaunay.hpp" Delaunay2d::Delaunay2d() { } Delaunay2d::~Delaunay2d() { } void Delaunay2d::setup() { state = D_MAKE_POINTS; } void Delaunay2d::update() { if (state == D_MAKE_POINTS) { for (int i = 0; i < max_points; i++) { DVector v; v.x = (int)ofRandom(400, 800); v.y = (int)ofRandom(100, 400); points.insert(v); } pitr = points.begin(); state = D_MAKE_HUGE_TRIANGLE; } else if (state == D_MAKE_HUGE_TRIANGLE) { // To encircle the points with a triangle makeHugeTriangle(points, hugeT); // Set huge triangle to collection setDTriangle(hugeT, triangles); state = D_DIV_TRIANGLE; } else if (state == D_DIV_TRIANGLE) { DVector pt = *pitr; std::vector<DTriangle> tmpTriangles; // temporary // Divide the triangle into triangles divTriangles(pt, triangles, tmpTriangles); // Set triangles to collection if (tmpTriangles.empty() == false) { for (auto titr = tmpTriangles.begin(); titr != tmpTriangles.end(); titr++) { DTriangle t = *titr; setDTriangle(t, triangles); } tmpTriangles.clear(); } currPoint = pt; if (pitr != points.end()) { pitr++; } else { state = D_CLEAR_HUGE_TRIANGLE; } } else if (state == D_CLEAR_HUGE_TRIANGLE) { delTriangleWithPoint(hugeT.p1); delTriangleWithPoint(hugeT.p2); delTriangleWithPoint(hugeT.p3); state = D_STATE_END; } else { // D_STATE_END } } void Delaunay2d::display() { if (triangles.empty() == false) { for (auto titr = triangles.begin(); titr != triangles.end(); titr++) { if (titr->second != false) { ofSetColor(0, 0, 0); ofNoFill(); ofDrawTriangle(titr->first.p1.x, titr->first.p1.y, titr->first.p2.x, titr->first.p2.y, titr->first.p3.x, titr->first.p3.y); } } } for (auto vitr = points.begin(); vitr != points.end(); vitr++) { ofSetColor(0, 255, 255); ofFill(); ofDrawCircle(vitr->x, vitr->y, 5); auto p = points.find(currPoint); if (p != points.end()) { ofSetColor(255, 0, 0); ofDrawCircle(p->x, p->y, 6); } } } void Delaunay2d::getCircumscribedCircle(DVector p1, DVector p2, DVector p3, DCircle &c) { // length(p1 - center) == length(p2 - center) == length(p3 - center) double k = 2.0 * ((p1.y - p2.y) * (p3.x - p2.x) - (p2.y - p3.y) * (p2.x - p1.x)); double a1 = p1.x * p1.x + p1.y * p1.y; double a2 = p2.x * p2.x + p2.y * p2.y; double a3 = p3.x * p3.x + p3.y * p3.y; double x = (a1 * (p3.y - p2.y) + a2 * (p1.y - p3.y) + a3 * (p2.y - p1.y)) / (-1 * k); double y = (a1 * (p3.x - p2.x) + a2 * (p1.x - p3.x) + a3 * (p2.x - p1.x)) / k; double dx = x - p1.x; double dy = y - p1.y; double radius = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); c.center.x = (int)(x + 0.5); // roundup c.center.y = (int)(y + 0.5); // roundup c.radius = (unsigned int)(radius + 0.5); // roundup } void Delaunay2d::setDTriangle(DTriangle inT, std::map<DTriangle, bool> &outT) { auto itr = outT.find(inT); if (itr != outT.end()) { // This triangle is invalid outT.erase(itr); outT.insert(std::make_pair(inT, false)); } else { // This triangle is valid outT.insert(std::make_pair(inT, true)); } } void Delaunay2d::delTriangleWithPoint(DVector p) { std::vector<DTriangle> tmpT; // Delete triangle include this point (p) for (auto titr = triangles.begin(); titr != triangles.end(); titr++) { if (p == titr->first.p1 || p == titr->first.p2 || p == titr->first.p3) { tmpT.push_back(titr->first); } } if (tmpT.empty() == false) { for (auto titr = tmpT.begin(); titr != tmpT.end(); titr++) { triangles.erase(triangles.find(*titr)); triangles.insert(std::make_pair(*titr, false)); } } } void Delaunay2d::makeHugeTriangle(std::set<DVector> p, DTriangle &t) { int x_min = INT_MAX; int x_max = INT_MIN; int y_min = INT_MAX; int y_max = INT_MIN; // Rectangle with all points for (auto pitr = p.begin(); pitr != p.end(); pitr++) { if (pitr->x > x_max) { x_max = pitr->x; } if (pitr->x < x_min) { x_min = pitr->x; } if (pitr->y > y_max) { y_max = pitr->y; } if (pitr->y < y_min) { y_min = pitr->y; } } // A circle circumscribing the rectangle { int cx = x_min + ((x_max - x_min) / 2); int cy = y_min + ((y_max - y_min) / 2); int radius = (int)sqrt((cx - x_min) * (cx - x_min) + (cy - y_min) * (cy - y_min)); DVector p1, p2, p3; p1.x = (int)(cx - sqrt(3.0) * radius); p1.y = (int)(cy - radius); p2.x = (int)(cx + sqrt(3.0) * radius); p2.y = p1.y; p3.x = cx; p3.y = (int)(cy + 2 * radius); DCircle c; getCircumscribedCircle(p1, p2, p3, c); t.p1 = p1; t.p2 = p2; t.p3 = p3; t.circle = c; } } void Delaunay2d::divTriangles(DVector p, std::map<DTriangle, bool> inT, std::vector<DTriangle> &outT) { for (auto titr = inT.begin(); titr != inT.end(); titr++) { if (titr->second != false) { DTriangle t = titr->first; int dx = t.circle.center.x - p.x; int dy = t.circle.center.y - p.y; if ((unsigned long)((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)) < (unsigned long)(t.circle.radius * t.circle.radius)) { // Divide the triangle (t) DTriangle t1; DCircle c1; getCircumscribedCircle(p, t.p1, t.p2, c1); t1.p1 = p; t1.p2 = t.p1; t1.p3 = t.p2; t1.circle = c1; outT.push_back(t1); DTriangle t2; DCircle c2; getCircumscribedCircle(p, t.p2, t.p3, c2); t2.p1 = p; t2.p2 = t.p2; t2.p3 = t.p3; t2.circle = c2; outT.push_back(t2); DTriangle t3; DCircle c3; getCircumscribedCircle(p, t.p3, t.p1, c3); t3.p1 = p; t3.p2 = t.p3; t3.p3 = t.p1; t3.circle = c3; outT.push_back(t3); // This triangle (t) will be invalid at setDTriangle(). outT.push_back(t); } } } }
category | API |
c++ | std::map |
c++ | std::set |